While we encourage you to bring your own handtools we realize that many people take classes to learn what tools they need and which ones they like.
Our staff spends an excessive amount of time sharpening & tuning up all our hand tools prior to every class, so when you work with them you can see just what they are capable of when tuned to their maximum potential.
Like the machines, we have a mixture of new and old, with the sole criteria being how well they work.
Our main shop features over 36 Lie Nielsen, Veritas & Swissmade bench chisels, 14 Lie Nielsen or classic (pre-1940) Stanley bench planes along with a dozen shoulder planes by Lie Nielsen, Clifton and Stanley. A dozen handsaws by Lie Nielsen & Lee Valley share space in the tool cabinet with countless card scrapers, Swissmade carving tools and Shapton sharpening stones.
This extensive variety of tuned up handtools gives you the unique opportunity to compare the various makers, allowing you to make an informed decision when adding to your own tool collection.