The Fine Woodworking New England 2-day FREE event, in Manchester, CT, will feature dozens of demonstrations by Frank Strazza, Steve Latta, Larissa Huff, Andrew Hunter, and many more….

It has been a while since Fine Woodworking held a live event, so we teamed up and put together this “2-day free event” at the Connecticut Valley School of Woodworking.

Join us for some food, shopping and fun

The event will also feature tool makers, an antique tool flea market, and if you get hungry – lobster, pizza, BBQ & ice cream food trucks!

The 2-day free event will feature dozens of demonstrations

Hourly demonstrations in the back shop throughout the two days:

Andrew Hunter
Will Neptune
Chuck Bender
Tad Fallon
Matt Bickford
Anissa Kapsales
Mike Mascelli
Frank Strazza
Steve Latta
Dave Douyard
Randy Wilkinson

Click Here for the times of the live scheduled demonstrations.

Continuing demos and conversations with Fine Woodworking authors & others:

Al Breed
Mike Pekovich
John Coffey
Timothy Coleman
Bob Van Dyke
Dan Faia
John Rexroad
Chip Sowalski- Blacksmith at Mystic Seaport Museum
Joshua Klein- Mortise and Tenon magazine
Mike South – Windjammer Guitars
Michael Wheeler
David Lindow – Ornamental Woodturning- The Plumier Foundation
Tom Lie Nielsen & Mark Swanson- Lie Nielsen Toolworks
Issac Smith – Blackburn Tools
Leslie Webb- Heartwood Tools
CT Woodcarvers
CT Woodturners
CT Scroll saw club

Special thanks to our sponsors:
