Monday April 14 2025
4 weeks, Mon 6:00 PM - 9:30 PM, 06:00 PM - 09:30 PM
Now that you have made a few bowls on a glue block, join us to learn the next level of cross-grain bowl turning techniques.
We will use the fundamental cutting technique taught in the Basic Woodturning class and begin class with a refresher exercise. We add additional wood mounting techniques including four-jaw chucks, single screw mounting and very accurate rim jam chucking. These methods add versatility to your repertoire and assure accurate mounting on the same axis each time.
We will also be doing some spindle turning exercises for those who are interested in turning for furniture projects. .
Class is limited to those who have completed the Night time Beginning Woodturning or the weekend Basic Woodturning so that we all begin with a consistent experience. Bring your design ideas, tools and questions and prepare to jump to the next level of woodturning.
Sign up today. Space is limited.
Tuition: $325.00 plus materials ($46.00 plus tax)