The SketchUp 3D design program is a powerful, versatile tool to help you design and visualize any woodworking project, then generate absolutely accurate measured drawings and a cutlist. Like any piece of software, SketchUp can be frustrating to use if you don’t know all its ins and outs. That’s where this course shines. You’ll learn the basics—plus important shortcuts and procedures to help you work quickly, accurately, and with a minimum of teeth-gnashing and hair-pulling.
Requirement: Bring a laptop (with a power cord! Mac or Windows is fine) with SketchUp Pro already installed. Get it at Avoid the less-expensive SketchUp Go version.
The instructor, David Heim, has been using and teaching SketchUp for more than 15 years. He is the author of “SketchUp Success for Woodworkers,” in its second edition from Cedar Lane Press. Sign up today- space is limited to 8 people. Tuition: $165.00 materials are included