

The student will learn the many ways in which furniture can be finished with shellac. They will learn brushing, padding, and a primer on French polishing.

In a two-day class, John will cover some of the basic qualities of shellac and alcohol— how to buy it, how to mix it, and most importantly, how to apply it! He will also cover some the ways to color wood, either wholesale coloring of a project or touching-up those pesky mistakes and repairs. John will demonstrate his favorite “fast” shellac finish, which can be completed in one day. This is especially suitable for woods with closed pores and where a lower sheen is desirable.

There are few materials which have the great properties of shellac. It gives depth to the wood, emphasizing the figure. It is a hard and durable finish. And it can be restored by cleaning and repolishing the surface, coloring and filling the usual scratches and nicks furniture gets in use. Shellac can be applied in less-than-ideal finishing environments as it dries so quickly that dust is not an issue. If you think shellac finishing is one of the “black arts”, I will dispel any trepidation you may have and you will leave the class confident that you can finish any of your projects and give all your hard work the finish it deserves.

.Sign Up Today! Tuition: $385.00 Materials: $30.00 plus tax