
6 consecutive days, 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM


Session information


Session 1
Monday Jul 21 09:00am - Saturday Jul 26 05:00pm
09:00 - 17:00
6 days
    • $985.00 excl.


    This 6-day intensive hands-on class is an opportunity to concentrate on good solid furniture making techniques. Maybe you have been working in the shop for years but never really knew if you were doing things efficiently or correctly- or- maybe you are fairly new to woodworking and want to get a good solid foundation in the basics of furniture making. During the week each participant will make an Arts & Crafts Style side table in quartersawn white oak. This is a great vehicle to learn and practice solid joinery techniques along with learning to surface parts with a handplane & card scraper. Grain matching is essential to any table top and we will concentrate on that when we glue up our tops. We will be doing mortise and tenon joints two different ways- with the hollow chisel mortiser and with a plunge router. The drawer “blades” will be done in the traditional manner- lower blade with twin tenons and upper blade dovetailed into the top of the leg. A dovetail drawer is a traditional mark of craftsmanship so we will of course be doing that!

    This is not a class for complete beginners. It does assume some experience with tablesaws, routers and some handtools. This class provides a strong foundation for more advanced furniture projects while making a great side table that will compliment any home. Sign up today- space is limited.

    Tuition: $ 985.00 plus materials: $165.00 plus tax