Learn to Turn Natural-Edge (Bark-Rim) Bowls with Rick Angus

Learn to Turn Natural-Edge (Bark-Rim) Bowls with Rick AngusTurning natural edge bowls from wet local hardwoods can be great fun– and the material is free (if you own a chain saw and have access to recently cut down trees….!) In this weekend class students will receive a refresher in the fundamental gouge and scraper cutting techniques, learn how to visualize the “bowl inside the wood”, mount and turn the sections of fresh logs between centers to form the outside of the bowl before re-mounting the blank in a chuck to form the inside of the bowl– all the while taking care to maintain the fragile bark edge on the rim of the bowl.

Blanks of wood will be mounted between centers and the “bowl inside the wood” will be before cutting so you control the grain pattern and bark rim position in the finished bowl. We focus on developing an eye for making a pleasing shape while incorporating the bark of the tree as the rim of the bowl. We touch-up your graceful bevel-guided cutting technique thus helping you to form the smooth curves of the bowl. This bowl requires a steady hand as cutting the rim is interrupted–you cut a bit of the high part of the rim then skip to the high part of the other side. We focus on careful aim to get a graceful curve through this interrupted cut. We shape the outside of the bowl, remount the blank in a chuck and cut the inside. At home, the bowls will dry and can easily be sanded with a round sanding pad in a drill. This class does require some prior experience with woodturning. Sign up today– class size is limited to 8.

Tuition: $425.00 plus materials ($35.00)

Section 021922B: Saturday, Sunday and Monday, February 19 – 21, 9:30am—5:00pm