In this style of turning, small wedge-shaped pieces of wood are glued into rings which are then glued to larger pieces of a different color or texture to form a blank ready for turning a bowl or other vessel. The size and shape of these parts can be just about anything your imagination comes up with. Likewise, any number of different woods can be used for contrast or to form a complex, multicolored pattern.
In this class students will learn the process of forming the turning blank and will cut and glue the segments precisely, with a minimum of sanding and trimming. We will explore strategies for clamping the rings during glue-up and investigate how variations in the glued-up blank affect the final pattern in the finished vessel.
This is sure to be a fun and rewarding class. Participants should have some turning experience.
Tuition $365.00 plus materials
Section 031922B: Saturday & Sunday, March 19 & 20, 2022, 9:30am – 5:00pm
Note: This class was previously scheduled for Novemebr 6 & 7, 2021