Make a Cracked Ice Parquet Tabletop with Tim Coleman

This new weekend class with well known Furniture maker Tim Coleman encourages students to jump into the exciting world of making dynamic patterns using shop-sawn veneers.

Make a Dovetailed & Kumiko Tea Chest with Mike Pekovich

Sharing a cup of tea with friends is a nice way to spend an afternoon or end a meal. The experience is made even better by serving up tea selections in a handmade chest.

Make a Dovetailed & Kumiko Tea Chest with Mike Pekovich

Sharing a cup of tea with friends is a nice way to spend an afternoon or end a meal. The experience is made even better by serving up tea selections in a handmade chest.

Make a Dovetailed, Veneered & Inlaid Box with Bob Van Dyke

In this 6-day class students will get the chance to learn a whole lot of new skills all packed into one small project. This elegant box features dovetails, working with veneer, an inlaid banding on the top and a really cool technique for accurately setting hinges.

Making Decorative Bandings with Bob Van Dyke

Bandings make furniture come alive with contrast and subtle elegance. The process of making them is fascinating!

Making Tablesaw Jigs & Fixtures in a long weekend with Bob Van Dyke

Essentials tablesaw Jigs and fixtures in a long weekend format!

Making Tablesaw Jigs & Fixtures with Bob Van Dyke

The idea of making jigs and fixtures for the tablesaw is always one that creates a lot of debate. Some people insist that they are not worth it and “just do it by hand” while other people love coming up with intricate fixtures that do a specific job really well. This class is Not a beginning tablesaw class. Participants must have some working experience with Tablesaws & routers.

Mastering those “Oddball” Furniture Joints with Steve Latta

This is a great course that will broaden your work possibilities. In this class, we will look at several traditional forms of joinery that take more than a look or two to sort but, nonetheless, should be a part or your arsenal.

One Day Woodturning with Rick Angus

This one day class will get you hooked on turning– Guaranteed!