
1 day, Sat 9:30 AM - Sat 5:00 PM, 09:30 AM - 05:00 PM


  • $165.00 excl.

1 day, Sat 9:30 AM - Sat 5:00 PM, 09:30 AM - 05:00 PM


  • $165.00 excl.


Have you been intrigued with the idea of learning to turn a bowl but are not ready to commit to a 6 week class?

This one day class will get you hooked on turning– Guaranteed! Students will learn some of the basics of woodturning and will come away with a finished shallow cherry bowl and the new found knowledge to turn more. Who knows– you might even jump in head first and find a whole new passion!!

Sharp tools are essential so we will be spending a little time at the grinder learning about sharpening bowl gouges and scrapers. Techniques for sanding and finishing bowls will also be covered. This is a great class– even if you have turned a number of bowls already or have never even thought of turning a bowl.

Sign up today. Space is limited to 9!

Tuition: $165.00 plus materials ($26.00 plus tax).