

George Nakashima was one of the most influential studio woodworkers of the twentieth century. In this class, we take inspiration from several cantilevered chair designs to make a chair of our own that makes a visual statement.

Chairs can be some of the trickiest projects to build because of the angular joinery. While the construction of this chair is fairly straightforward, there is plenty to test the skills of woodworkers of any skill level. Whether you’re still perfecting woodworking skills or you’re a seasoned veteran, this project is a great gateway into chairmaking. Unlike Queen Anne and Chippendale chairs, where compound-angle joinery abounds, cantilevered chairs are single-angle and easily created using modern power equipment. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t any handwork for those hand-tool enthusiasts. The seats and spindles are shaped and finished by hand.

The first two days (October 28 & 29) of this class are spent working on the design of the chair, understanding chair mechanics, and creating the structural joints. The second two-day session (November 18 & 19) focuses on saddling the seat and attaching the spindles and crest rails.

The spindles for the back will be turned by a local woodturner but you will have the opportunity to learn how this is done. The class is broken up into two weekends so you will have plenty of time between sessions for any handwork and practicing that you will want to do. This class is 4 full days.

You can make your chair in walnut or cherry.

Please select appropriate material fee when checking out

Sign up today—space is limited!

Tuition: $745.00 plus materials (Walnut $368.00, Cherry $273.00)