

This 3- day class will take you through the process of building a "Perch Stool", a variation of a Windsor style chair. Utilizing hand tools, this project introduces you to many of the techniques used to make a more complicated Windsor style stool, beginning with lumber selection, hand shaping, working with compound angles and all the way through to final assembly.

This class will introduce you to the basic handtools used in any green woodworking project including drawknife, spokeshave, reamer, adze, scorp and scrapers. We will be laying out and drilling compound angles along with utilizing moisture content and grain orientation to make strong, long lasting chair joints. We will also be using traditional hide glue for assembly.  Join us in this unique class and get a taste of green woodworking and Windsor chair making.

Due to the logistics of the class all turned parts will be provided but the turning of those parts will be demonstrated by Dave. You should expect to go home with a completed (or nearly completed!) great looking stool. 

Sign up today. Space is limited to 8 students.

Tuition: $565.00 plus materials ($95.00 plus tax)